In the same week that a High Court judge ruled against Sue Axon, the mother who challenged doctors referring teenagers for abortion without notifying the parents, Jenni Russell wrote a perceptive article about the damage that long working hours and institutionalised childcare does to children in the Guardian 28/01/06 “We give work a high priority - I wish the same could be said of our children - After 17 years as a parent, I'm convinced it is our attitudes to employment as much as to childcare that need to change”. Her focus was Labour’s childcare strategy to get children into nurseries by the age of three and wraparound childcare. She wrote about the growing concern for what prolonged parental absence does to children, and about the danger of “subcontracting ..childcare to professionals”, “As they grow, children need to feel loved and understood by the adults around them, and taught how to handle their emotions. That doesn't happen in after-school clubs or playschemes, where playworkers must retain a physical and professional distance. The consequence is that children have to make the effort of maintaining their public faces, too. They can't relax. A mother whose daughter goes to an after-school club three days a week says the eight-year-old is rigid with tension when she picks her up, and angry and unmanageable until falling asleep. Her experience is typical of many parents I know.”
Ironically, this appeared in Saturday's Guardian at the end of the week in which the High Court ruled that parents should be kept in the dark about teenagers being referred for abortions. Of course the ages of the children are different but the principle is the same that professionals are coming between the parent and child to the detriment of the good of the child. Unsurprisingly the cheerleaders of this interference are the self-appointed professionals at the Family Planning Association who gave evidence to the High Court in November that parents are "no longer necessarily the best people to advise a child" about contraception, sexually transmitted infections and abortion. My reaction on reading this in the Guardian on the 10th November was to wonder who is Nathalie Lieven?!!! I couldn't discover anything about her at all from the family planning association website. I have no idea what her qualifications are or what evidence she has for the arrogant assertion that her proabortion organisation knows better than millions of parents across Britain.
The point about qualifications is interesting because the “professionals” who are supposed to be better than parents are people who work for proabortion clinics, who by definition support abortion, not really professionals in any meaningful sense of the word, like the 21 year old school outreach worker, who referred Melissa Smith for an abortion and Melissa's subsequent wish to keep the baby when it was too late, or busy GPs who have a waiting room full of patients to see. Strangers in fact who do not know the child in front of them, who have no time for the child, have no particular bond, and will never see the teenager again, and will never deal with the aftermath of abortion. These are practical issues that have less to do with whether abortion is right or wrong - the parents after all could have views either way on the subject - the point of parental notification is to enable the child to have the best support available when they are distressed, except where there is obvious evidence that the child needs protection from the parents, which must be extremely rare. This was the response of one parent in the debate at The Times (25/01/06) the day after the judge ruled that parents should not be told:
"This is an abhorrent decision. My wife and I brought our children into this world; we love them dearly and would do anything for them. We feel our responsibility for them in every way. I realise that we may not be representative of absolutely everybody but I do not think that we are in a minority either. It is utterly ludicrous that a third party should be allowed to even counsel them, never mind treat them, on matters of such huge physical and moral importance without at least our knowledge, let alone my consent. The world is going, or frankly has gone, mad. If these are the kind of measures which it is believed are required to "protect" our children something is deeply wrong with our society. Richard Bell, Crowborough
What amazed me in this debate is how those who took the view that parents should not be told, on the basis of teenagers' fear, exhibited the kind of teenage thinking that adults should have grown out of! They completely missed how natural and understandable it is that a teenager would wish their parents not to be told and completely misunderstood the natural of parenting in terms of discipline, caring and nurturing. How incredible that the law could be based around teenagers hypothetical and, more likely than not, exaggerated fear of being told off by their parents. It also seems a little strange that the state collaborates in this kind of secrecy and coverup which will force children to hide the truth from their parents for the rest of their life.
We don't generally make public policy based on teenagers perceptions, but usually on a more sophistocated analysis of the facts by adults, so why is teenage perception dictating policy here? Abortion is something that is generally beyond the comprehension of most teenagers who may just be forming their views on the issue. Confidentiality is appropriate to ensure that patients are respectively treated but when the issue is something of as great a magnitude as abortion, with so much potential long term damage, children obviously need support. Can children really take in how serious abortion is? The BBC quoted the the Pro Life Alliance saying that it was staggering a young girl could "end the life of another human being without her parents knowing anything about it." Doesn't making this a matter for a teenager trivialise the seriousness of abortion?
The ironic thing is that with the exception of representatives of the abortion lobby, the majority of voices against the right of parents to know still acknowledged the need to involve parents as far as possible. Caroline Flint from the Department of Health was quoted in the Guardian saying that it was "a very difficult issue" and that healthcare professionals should always try to persuade a young person to involve their parents. The British Medical Assocation issued a press release which was strangely enthusiastic about denying parents the right to know (for a reason I couldn't quite fathom, why should doctors have a particular position on this issue?) nevertheless went on to say “Doctors always encourage young people to involve their parents in important decisions, and research shows that the majority of young people do so. If, in exceptional cases, they cannot talk to their parents then doctors try to give them the confidence to talk to another responsible adult who may be able to support them." And citing research against their own proabortion position, Marie Stopes International (an organisation which is certainly a little confused given by their support for a restriction of the abortion time limit to 20 weeks and their subsequent U-turn on this) nevertheless released a survey saying that the majority of teenagers do tell their parents. So if it is so important that parents should be told by the teenager then why are their guidelines insisting on secrecy? and with the spiralling abortion rate, isn't the willingness of the Department of Health to take their guidelines straight from the unrepresentative self appointed experts at the Family Planning Association a factor in increasing teenage abortions?
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